we offer
somatic therapy
Say hello to your bodymind.

you crave a deeper connection to yourself
And other therapy styles just don't seem to help.
Maybe you're healing from trauma (big T, relational, or both), maybe your body speaks to you through chronic pain, or maybe you feel wholly disconnected from your body.
And top-down, or thinking forward, therapies just don't seem to help. You're stuck and your brain can't get you out of this one.
your brain is more than thinking
Somatic therapy is a place where you can learn to listen and engage with your body and its wisdom. Thinking not necessary.
Engaging your body's wisdom in your therapy deepens your Self connection, balances your experience of life, and builds confidence for you to move through your life again.
No matter your brain wiring, your experiences in life so far, building your somatic awareness will awaken parts of you that you've been missing.